Japanese Furoshiki Wrapping Cloth

For the last 1200 years, the extremely versatile Japanese Cloth (otherwise known as Furoshiki ) has been used to great success in Japan. Japanese people use the Furoshiki wrapping cloth for many things such as wrapping gifts, as a tablecloth, wrapping clothes, as a scarf or bandana and almost anything else you can think of. When plastic became popular in Japan, the use of the Furoshiki wrapping cloth began its steady decline. However, as eco-friendly reusable items are becoming more popular, this popular Japanese cloth is making a comeback.
At Chidori Vintage we carry a large line of authentic, original handmade Furoshiki wrapping cloths. They come in a variety of materials such as silk, cotton, nylon, and rayon. They have beautiful handmade designs to fit any occasion and when they are used used as a gift wrap, they can be reused very easily. They are a wonderful way to add style to anything you are wrapping, with the added bonus of helping to save the planet through recycling.